I have been neglecting this site, but I hope to change that.
I have begun a new book, Cloud Service Management, and a new stage in life. For the first time in close to thirty years, I am working for myself. Cloud Service Management will be published by CA Press and Apress, like my first book, Cloud Standards, but I no longer work for CA Technologies. CA reorganized this spring and my job evaporated.
I can’t say that I am upset with leaving CA. I worked there for a long time and had many great experiences, but eventually, everything loses its sparkle. I toyed with the idea of retirement for the last several years, but without this reorg, I probably would never get around to it. My only regrets are for the colleagues who have practically been my family for years. If something interesting turns up, I will no doubt take it, but I intend to be choosy.
I look forward to more books. Cloud Standards was a surprisingly difficult challenge, and an equally pleasant surprise. I hope Cloud Service Management will be a similar experience.
I am keeping my hand in. The Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) has offered me an emeritus position and I am happy to take it. The honorary position will give me an opportunity to continue to contribute to DMTF standards and keep in contact with the IT management standards world. That is exciting stuff for me.